Breach may impact on more than a million workers
An estimated 1.25 million people are set to breach the current Lifetime Allowance (LTA) £1.03m lifetime limit for pension tax relief over the course of their working life, according to new research published[1].
The LTA is a limit on the amount of pension benefit that can be drawn from pension schemes – whether lump sums or retirement income – and can be paid without triggering an extra tax charge. It has been cut three times since 2010, and this research estimates that around 290,000 workers already have pension rights above the limit and well over a million more people are at risk of breaching it by the time they retire.
Facing a tax charge of up to 55% on pension savings
Those who exceed the LTA could face a tax charge of up to 55% of their pension savings above this level. Around 290,000 non-retired people have already built up pension rights in excess of the Lifetime Allowance, fewer than half of these are thought to have applied for ‘protection’ against past reductions in the LTA and so could face significant tax bills when they draw their pension and worryingly many may be unaware of this.
Almost half of these people who are already over the LTA are continuing to add to their pension wealth, thereby storing up an even bigger tax charge with every passing year and amongst non-retired people who are not currently over the LTA, an estimated 1.25 million can expect to breach the LTA by the time they retire.
Groups likely to breach the Lifetime Allowance
The two main groups likely to breach this are relatively senior public sector workers with long service, whose Defined Benefit pension rights will exceed the LTA, especially as they now have to work to 65 or beyond rather than 60 as in the past, and relatively well paid workers in a Defined Contribution pension arrangement where their employer makes a generous contribution into their pension pot.
Highest earners may be less affected by the Lifetime Cap
Typical salary levels of those affected are in the range £60,000-£90,000 per year. But ironically, the very highest earners may be less affected by the Lifetime Cap because they are now heavily limited by the amount they can put in to a pension each year.
The data suggests that only a couple of thousand people exceeded the LTA in the latest year for which figures are available (2016/17). The number likely to face a tax charge could therefore increase more than a hundredfold, purely based on those who have yet to retire but who have already exceeded the LTA.
Workers who would not regard themselves as ‘rich’
The research finds that one of the reasons why so many people will exceed the LTA is that current policy is simply to increase it each year in line with price inflation (as measured by the CPI).
By contrast, wages will tend to grow faster than inflation and the money invested in pension pots should grow faster than inflation over the long-term. This means that the LTA will ‘bite’ progressively more severely over time and will subject hundreds of thousands of workers who would not regard themselves as ‘rich.’
Source data:
[1] Research conducted for Royal London is based on detailed analysis of data on more than 7,700 workers from Wave 1 and Wave 5 of the ‘Wealth and Assets Survey’ March 2019.
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