When you consider investing it’s worth understanding that this is a big step. Cash savings through traditional means currently give very low interest rates, so turning to the markets can potentially give you a much better return. But there is also considerably more risk, since markets can go up and down, and there are certain factors to take into account before committing to a new strategy, such as ensuring that you have safeguards in place.
Leaving your money in a savings account, you could lose out as your returns are unlikely to keep pace with inflation. You’re much more likely to see growth if you are willing to take some risks, but it’s essential that you’re comfortable with these risks. You are only ready to become an investor if you can face the fact that there are no guarantees.
Your financial advisor will help you through the main considerations:
Do you have a particular reason for investing? You may be looking to simply grow your money or you may want a regular income from it. Having figures in mind will help your planning and give you a clearer idea of the amount of risk you can cope with to reach your goals.
You also need a clear idea of when you wish to achieve your goals, which will inform the kind of rates of return you’re looking for from your investments. From this you can see how realistic your goals are. Bear in mind such concerns as age and health when looking at short-term versus medium- and long-term goals.
This is crucial, as if you end up with a strategy that’s so risky that it fills you with worry, then high risk probably isn’t for you. Our financial advisors are well-versed on the financial landscape throughout the UK. We will carefully assess your attitude to risk and this will inform our exploration of the marketplace. You can therefore be confident of the best levels of return based on the level of risk you are comfortable with.
Carefully assess all your outgoings to arrive at an understanding of how much spare cash you can comfortably invest, and think in terms of longer-term propositions.
How Asquith Hart Can Help:
We provide a restricted advice service meaning we recommend investment solutions from a researched panel of Providers, including Rockhold Asset Management Ltd. Where we are reviewing existing, or arranging new, investments, we will usually recommend that you use one of Rockhold’s investment solutions, provided that one of these services is suitable for you. Our investment solutions are available through Individual Savings Accounts (‘ISAs’), General Collective Investments, and retirement solutions. Where appropriate we may use an Investment Platform to administer your investments. Where we recommend particular investment strategies and products to you, these will be selected based on your personal circumstances, financial goals and objectives.
Ongoing financial advice regarding your portfolio is essential. Your financial objectives may change over the years due to changes in your lifestyle or circumstances. Therefore the annual review process with your advisor is an aspect of our service that is prioritised to ensure that your portfolio continues to meet your lifestyle and investment objectives.
You can choose either a Standard or Enhanced service for the management of your investments, dependent upon your own preferred level of involvement. Our financial advisors are happy to engage you in your financial affairs to the degree you feel comfortable with.
Your capital is at risk. The value of your investment (and any income from them) can go down, as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investments should be considered over the longer term and should fit in with your overall attitude to risk and financial circumstances.
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Asquith Hart Ltd,
20 Burdett Way,
Derbyshire, DE65 6GA.
t: 01283 701569
Asquith Hart Limited is an appointed representative of Lyncombe Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Asquith Hart Limited is entered on the Financial Services Register https://register.fca.org.uk under reference 618348.
Registered Head Office: Durham House, 38 Street Lane, Denby, Derby. DE5 8NE, Company No. 8802430
REPTON OFFICE: 20 Burdett Way, Repton, Derbyshire DE65 6GA.
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The information contained within this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK.
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